My home page is about:
Some single guy, in his very late 30's, who has moved from Wyoming (gasp!) to Utah (groan), and is looking for an actual job to pay his bills. Your CASH donations would be greatly appreciated! Just kidding about the donations. Darn. By the way, I'm not the good looking face you see on this page, it's from Red Dwarf. Red Dwarf is a British Sci-Fi comedy on PBS TV, in the USA. Ok? Cool beans.
My favorite hobbies include:
1> STAR TREK (TV, movies, cartoons, etc...) 2> Science Fiction in general 3> COMPUTERS (not the rotten core type!) 4> Classical music, played softly 5> Humor, sarcasm, spoofs, weirdness, etc... 6> Images: JPG, GIF, BMP, TIF, etc... 7> Audio: WAV, MIDI, and others 8> Downloads: Audio pathches, image patches, and PC utilities
My Favorite links are...
[email protected]
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